Dr. Esther Idayanti, B.Sc, MA, CSRS, CSRA, CNNLP
Dr. Esther Idayanti, B.Sc, MA, is the Chair of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) at STT International Harvest. Esther has authored eight books, including bible study, inspirational books, and books on family. One of her works, "Sex Education: Taboo or Necessary," is a monograph based on research findings presented at the DPR (People's Consultative Assembly) forum and discussed with the Chair and leaders of the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN). Her scholarly writing on sex education has been awarded The Best Paper in Social Science at the International Conference on Social Science, Humanity, and Public Health (ICOSHIP 2021). In addition to her role as a lecturer, Esther is a family activist and speaker for Fokus Pada Keluarga, and also works as a sustainability consultant. Esther is a mother of three daughters and resides in Jakarta with her husband, a dentist.
Riverside Community College, Riverside, California
- 1992 - B.Sc in Computer Information System
- 1994 - M.A. in Intercultural Studies
- 2019 - D.Th in Leadership and Transformation
Pengalaman Kerja
September 2009 - Dosen
HITS Jakarta
December 2012 - Head of Lecturer
HITS Jakarta
Mata Kuliah
Semua Mata Kuliah Dengan Dr. Esther Idayanti, B.Sc, MA, CSRS, CSRA, CNNLP
Semester | Program Studi | Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | SKS |
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